Implementing the DatasetGraph

Hackalog · May 4, 2020

TL;DR: How the Dataset DAG became a hypergraph became the DatasetGraph.

DatasetGraph as a top-level object.

Recall from a few weeks ago, I described a bipartite graph (or Hypergraph), now called a DatasetGraph, which describes how Dataset objects are generated from other Dataset objects. I originally named it a TransformerGraph, because that’s how the directionality of the edges works out in the bipartite representation, but that turns out to be a little more confusing for the user. In the hypergraph, the Dataset objects are the nodes, so DatasetGraph it is.

One of the unintended consequences of introducing a DatasetGraph class in Easydata is that it turns out to be the right place to do a lot of things. That’s why we ended up exposing it to the user, instead of just using it internally to the Dataset.

Before we created the DatasetGraph, we used to have a top-level functions add_transformer() to add a dataset transformation to the global catalog. but it turns out a much more natural place to put it is in the DatasetGraph class directly.

Sticking with the “edges are functions, nodes are datasets” hypergraph terminology, the API becomes something like this”

>>> dag = DatasetGraph()

>>> xp = create_transformer_pipeline([list, of, transformer, functions, or, partials, ...])

>>> dag.add_source(datasource_name="dsrc_name", datasource_opts={}, output_dataset="dset_name")
>>> dag.add_edge(input_dataset=None, input_datasets=(),
                output_dataset=None, output_datasets=(),
                transformer_pipeline=xp, **kwargs)

>>> dataset = dag.generate('node_name')

This gives us a clean separation between adding a source node to the graph, and adding an edge. Both technically add edges, but the idea of a “source edge” in this hypergraph just feels weird, so the details are hidden by this API. This is perhaps why describing the dependency graph as a bipartite graph is less troublesome. See my last post for more on that.

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